Monday, September 5, 2011

Game Preview: Dead Island

   Hey you...yes you, stop looking around the room. You and I both know you're sitting there alone. Are you one of those people that love games where your enemy's flesh is falling off the bone and they have a hunger for you brain(no matter how small it be)? Well if that's you than I think I found a pretty high end game for you. If you haven't already found out it's called Dead Island.
   But from what I've gotten from my(little) research you're obviously on an island trying to survive while everyone around you is getting their brain ripped from their head as you're fighting to get to the safe zone.
   If you haven't seen the trailer of this game you're really missing out, it looks amazing and I cant complain about it. And from what I've seen of gameplay it's not going to disappoint very many people in my high and mighty opinion.
   The gameplay of Dead Island look smooth to say the least. But for a better opinion I'll have to get my hands on a copy and try it out first hand.
   From a few pictures I've glanced at this game looks like it'll have a grand verity of fun but gory weapons. For example, I saw one that was a machete with a electric glow on it. To me a game with loads of different weapons is a great game that will make an impact on its audience.
   All in all this game looks and I'm guessing plays great and I can't wait to play it.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Game Review: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

   Have you ever wanted to be a tiny alien inside your own U.F.O. destroying organic life forms that are taking over your planet? Well if you said yes to any of these things, this game is for you. Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is a visually stunning and to say the least creepy game. As you use tools found along your journey at your disposal you will unlock bits and pieces about what this opposing force is doing to your planet and locations of where your next "big discovery" will be.
   As the game starts you find your planet being overrun by this black force that seems to be organic, but at the same time mechanical. So you jump into your U.F.O. and head out to try and find out what's going on. You start out with a scanner tool that helps greatly along the game, telling you what enemies are weak against or what tool to use to get around the next obstacle.
   All-in-all this game amazed me greatly, it also offers co-op for those of you who love working together.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Game Review: Darkspore

"A new breed of action-RPG"
   The motto for MAXIS' new game Darkspore. This game features a mind-blowing amount of customization to the point of which I didn't know what to do with myself. It was a game that I had heard about but never really looked into at all, but when I did I found myself loving this game.
   It has a healthy amount of exploration and guided gameplay to keep me interested for longer than the average game. The multiplayer is extremely fun with your friends or even complete strangers. And the fact that you can mix up your squads made this game rare, but at the same time it didn't venture too far from your normal RPG's.
   So in my personal opinion I would recommend this game to anybody that's looking for a great way to have fun.

✮✮✮ 1/2

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Dear, People reading my blog
    I'm only one person with one brain and don't really know what type of games and movies you guys are all interested in. So I'll be taking requests from here on out. Just post a comment on my latest blog post saying what game or movie you want me to review and maybe a little about what you want to know. Until next time, Over and Out...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Movie Review: TRON Legacy

   Alright, TRON Legacy is my first movie review of choice. Mostly because I really enjoyed the music throughout the whole thing, and i you didn't already know, it was made by Daft Punk. My personal favorite techno composing group to date. But other than that this movie was kind of plain and bland with old-school looking costumes and the fact of it being a remake didn't really help that at all. 
   So it starts out in the early days of video games(TRON)and kind of continues from there. But this movie focuses on the creator of the grid and his son. The creator goes to work one night and never returns and leaves his son with his grandparents and the mystery of where his father actually is. But he soon finds out when his mentor it paged by the boy's father and the story picks up from there, but I don't want to ruin it if you haven't seen it yet. 
   The filming was okay at parts, but at its best it was mediocre and wouldn't really catch my eye if I was taking a glance at it to any extent. 


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Video Game Review: Brink

   I was really looking forward to this game for like five months. It looked like an amazing game as I looked into in more and more, but it was a letdown to say the least. The amount of customization is spectacular and I love it for all it's worth, but it doesn't effect how I think of the gameplay. The story was really hard to get a grasp on, and the H.U.D. is very confusing at first but you slowly get used to it. The missions were very hard to understand at times and didn't make any sense half of the time. I didn't get to try most of the weapons, but from what I did try out the pistols should basically shoot confetti, and the shotgun should tickle the freaking enemy to death because the bullets are a joke to say the least.The only gun that I saw fit to use was some sort of SMG that seemingly shot some kind of health affecting debris out of its ass. The campaign was really hard to understand like I said because the debriefed on the loading screen, then they had a cut-scene that was totally irrelevant to what the hell was going on with anything. The SMART system was fun to an extent, but not as "epic" as I thought it would be. I honestly don't want to even try the multiplayer because of the horrible experience I had in single player.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Review: Singularity

   Even though this game came out almost a year ago my brother decided to buy it. And despite the bad reviews I thought I'd put my two sense in.
   In the beginning of the game you're a grunt in the U.S. army and are investigating the island Katorga-12, which I guess is a real island off the coast of Russia. But in Singularity it is used to mine and research the new found element called E-99 and all its powers. But on the flyover of the island an EMP goes off and causes your helicopter to crash on the island and strands you by yourself on the island. While there another "EMP" goes off and you find yourself being teleported back in time. You get help for the past to escape the island, and to find "tools" to save important people for the past and present. A professor from the past tells you that you need to find a tool called TMD(Time Manipulation Device) and use it in a vast majority of ways.
   But my favorite part of the game is the whole concept of time travel. I know it's not the first but it seems to be the best. The end is by far my favorite part of the game, but I'm not gonna give anything away because you'll have to find out on your own how confusing and awesome the end is.
   This game also supports online multiplayer which I have to say is really fun on many levels. In it you're either a mutated creature or a human. Equipped with the TMD and a weapon of your choice your objective it to restore beacons and keep them active by preventing the creatures from destroying them. While you're a creature you get a variety of different ones to choose from, each of them having their own pros and cons, and their objective is to prevent the humans from restoring the beacons.

   All in all this game was really fun for my brother and I, but it had a couple things I would have liked to be different.

☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Review: Portal 2

    Alright, as you may know this game has been anticipated by the PC gamer for about four years now. But I'm a hardcore Xbox 360 gamer and didn't really hear much about this game, nor did I put much time into "research" for it either. But boy was I wrong. If you were even thinking about buying this game and didn't get it you're missing out big time. This game had the perfect blend of humor and creepiness  that this game needed. In the beginning of the game a little rail robot comes across you names Wheatly and he carries the task of making you laugh throughout the whole game. You meet up with some foes, and unexpected friends along the campaign. And speaking of which, the campaign took me about six hours to fully complete the first time through.
    But then again if you're not the campaign kind of person they still have multiplayer for you out there.
All in all I personally loved this campaign and the multiplayer was okay to me. But the hype was totally worth it in the end.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Review:Killzone 3

Okay I know it's been a while since I've posted but everybody has their reasons. Anywho I should tell you now that I'm a hardcore Xbox fanboy so I wasn't really looking forward to playing this all. But boy was I wrong. This game literally blew me away and not just because of the graphics, it was altogether an amazing game. The story was really good, in fact my brother and I played this game all the way through in one night it was so good. But I was a little worried about the multiplayer because there were times when I was kind of freaking out about the controls and all. But again, to my surprises this game won me over in so many ways.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Friday, February 4, 2011

Review:Metro 2033

I bugged my brother to buy this game for like three weeks. This game was so much fun I beat it in about three hours from the moment I started playing it. Everything about this game is great except the A.I. They would randomly stop walking and because you need them to continue on you were screwed over and needed to restart from last checkpoint. The gameplay is really smooth and I've never seen any other story plot play out the same way as this game.

Although some of the gameplay is terrifying you cannot put this game down until the minute you beat it.
 ★ ★ ★1/2

Friday, January 28, 2011

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

I don't know much about this game except it's made from a book by R. A. Salvatore. I watched the trailer and was very impressed to say the least.