Friday, May 20, 2011

Movie Review: TRON Legacy

   Alright, TRON Legacy is my first movie review of choice. Mostly because I really enjoyed the music throughout the whole thing, and i you didn't already know, it was made by Daft Punk. My personal favorite techno composing group to date. But other than that this movie was kind of plain and bland with old-school looking costumes and the fact of it being a remake didn't really help that at all. 
   So it starts out in the early days of video games(TRON)and kind of continues from there. But this movie focuses on the creator of the grid and his son. The creator goes to work one night and never returns and leaves his son with his grandparents and the mystery of where his father actually is. But he soon finds out when his mentor it paged by the boy's father and the story picks up from there, but I don't want to ruin it if you haven't seen it yet. 
   The filming was okay at parts, but at its best it was mediocre and wouldn't really catch my eye if I was taking a glance at it to any extent. 


1 comment:

  1. The movie Tron was ok but the computer imaging was awesome. thanks for your review
